
I use TD Ameritrade ( holding stocks over 2 yrs ) & Robinhood ( holding stocks under 1 yr ). TD Ameritrade has practice accounts ( paper money ) & online info for learning.

A good portfolio should have at least 5 stocks from different sectors.

STOCKs I bought THIS WEEK… posted MAY 16, 2023 CVS, TFC, M, QCOM, D, CHK, T, PYPL, XPEV .. Just SOLD half my NET, ZS27% GAIN in 1 week…

STOCKs I own NOW… posted APR 20, 2022 GOOGL, MSFT, QCOM, TWLO, NOW, SHOP, CRM, MU, LI, BABA .. Just SOLD WMT, TGT20% GAIN in 6 weeks…

Stocks below were posted MAR 17, 2020added % GAIN (purple) on DEC 4, 2020 for stocks that exceeded my projected price. Wait for the pullback to get a better price on most stocks. Will update soon…

Ticker (price) Forecast* 12/20
AA (5.60) $22 * (Product) 400%
ANET (157) $230 * (Info Tech)
BB (2.90) $7 * (Software) 280%
CX (1.6) $3.80 * (Product) 350%
DLTR (66) $88 * (Retail) 67%
F (4) $7.20 * (Auto) 240%
FB (147) $200 * (IT Services) 87%
FDX (91) $155 * (Transport) 330%
GOOG (1060) $1300 * (IT Service) 70%
GRPN (9.80) $50 * (E-comm) 300%
HD (152) $215 * (Retail) 78%
LOW (65) $108 * (Retail) 230%
MCD (138) $194 * (Retail) 56%
MGM (7.50) $30 * (Hotels) 400%
MTDR (1.50) $12 * (Natural Gas) 1,000%
NTGR (16) $25 * (IT Equipment) 125%
RIG (1.04) $4.80 * (Oil & Gas) 200%
USCR (9.70) $35 * (Product) 400%
V (135) $180 * (IT Financial) 58%
VMW (93) $149 * (Software) 53%
WW (9.9) $21 * (Services) 320%
WYNN (43) $113 * (Hotels) 260%
X (4.9) $9 * (Product) 340%